2020-2021: Community of Practice Marine Spatial Planning: Algoa Bay Project 
Principal Investigator:  Prof. Francesca Porri (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity (SAIAB)), 
Collaborators: Dr. Paula Pattrick (South African Environmental Observation Network (SAEON)), Dr Magda Minguzzi (Nelson Mandela University) 
In coordination with the Chief custodian of the area under study. 
Pilot research project investigates the early developmental stages of fishes and invertebrates (namely crabs, oysters, mussels amongst others) associated with the stone walled fish traps, using light traps. Engagement with the Khoi San Chief representative of the geographical area under investigation, who involved on the visiting and collections of the data. 
Research outputs produced:  
Peer review paper: 
2022. Magda Minguzzi, Paula Pattrick, Francesca Porri, Nicolas Weidberg, “Ecological value of the earliest human manipulated coastal habitats: preliminary insights into the nursery function of a precolonial stonewalled fish trap in South Africa”, Regional Studies in Marine Science, Elsevier. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S235248552200055X?dgcid=author