The School of Architecture is holding its second International Architectural Workshops from 1 to 19 February 2016. The workshop is for NMMU students only.

The workshop is compulsory for all Students from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th year Architecture and 3rd year Technology. The cost is R50 per person and includes a free Workshop Publication which will be received at the end of the workshop. Payment will take place on Monday 1 February from 9am - 11am in the main studio, School of Architecture.

Students from BAS 1-3 and Technology need to choose one workshop from Workshop 1 to 3. 
Workshop 4 is compulsory for all 4th year architecture students, and no registration is required online.

To register, send the following information to:

Name, Student Number, Contact Number, Design year in 2016, Workshop Choice 1, Workshop Choice 2 and Workshop Choice 3.

The placement will be based on first come first serve as each workshop is limited to 50 students. You will be notified after the end of the registration period. Any information regarding the workshop, checking of workshop registration and payment will take place in the main studio, School of Architecture on Monday 1 February 2016 between 9am and 11am. 


Workshop 2016 Homepage


Contact information
Dr Jean-Pierre Basson
Head of Department: Architecture; Senior Lecturer
Tel: 0415042244